Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cheese Burger Steaks


  • 2 Lbs Ground Meat(Beef, Chuck, Turkey, Sirlon, Whatever you want this is chuck)
  • 2 Tsp Salt
  • 2 Tsp Pepper
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Peices of Bread
  • 6 Tablespoons Milk
  • 6 Tablespoons Steak Sauce (Such as A1)
  • Sliced Cheese of Your Choice


  1. Soak bread in milk. Add in Meat, Eggs, Salt, Pepper, and Steak Sauce. Mix Well.
  2. Patty into 6 patties. Handful of meat is my measurement. When patting them out make a little dent in then the middle with your thumb. Learned this trick from the Nelly's helps them not get a hump in the middle.
  3. Bake at 375 for 20-30 mins or until juice run clear.
  4. Remove from Oven. Place Cheese on top. Melt under broiler til melted. We love to get the little brown bubbles on top.

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