Friday, August 19, 2011

Broccoli & Chicken Mac & Cheese

2 Large Bone in Chicken Breast
2 Large Fresh Broccoli Bundles, Chopped
1 Box Mac & Cheese (I use 2% Velveeta)
1 Tablespoon Butter
Salt & Pepper


1. Boil Chicken Breast in 5 cups Salted Water
2. When the chicken is finished cooking, let cook, and chop.
3. Put Chopped Broccoli in the Chicken stock that was made when boiling the chicken.
4. Cook Broccoli until fork tender 5-7 Min's. Remove and Place in the bowl with your chopped chicken breast. Then in the same juice pour in your noodles from your boxed mac & cheese.
5.Cook the noodles until Aldente. Your water will be mostly gone but if you have allot of water remaining drain. After you drain you pasta return it to your pot. Add your cheese packet, broccoli, and chopped chicken! Mix Well!

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