Who is Momma K?

Momma K
My name is Rita.  I am 23 year's old.  I am from a small town and NC and still reside here.  I grew up watching my mom cook and learning from her.  From there I fell in love with cooking, it is truly one of my passions.

  • God
  • My Family
  • My Friends
  • The Beach
  • Okra
  • Sweet Tea
  • Pasta
  • Garlic
  • Apple's
  • Strawberries
  • Salad's (All Kinds)
  • Asian/Mexican Food
  • Swimming
  • Spring/Fall
  • Snow
  • Festivals/Fairs
  • Christmas

The Husband
I am married to a wonderful man.  We met online in 2004.  Talked over the phone, internet, mail, webcam, ect. until 2007 when we finally met face to face.  I took a bus to Nebraska where he resided.  Stayed for 1 month.  Brought him back with me to North Carolina and we have been together ever sense.  He purposed Valentines of 2008 and Married June 28, 2008.  He works very hard to support his family and I don't know what I would do without him.

Our Kid's
In May of 2008 we found out we were expecting our first child.  Khloey is now a healthy, smart, and outgoing 2 1/2 year old.  I am a stay at home mom and love every minute of it.  Being able to spend time with her and watch her grow on a daily day is so amazing.  I am able to cherish all the little things, no time to waste these days cause they grow way too fast.

We found out April of this year we are expecting our 2nd child.  Due in January.  We have yet to find out the sex but are very anxious and excited!!

Cooking Style
My cooking style is fast, easy, and simple.  Or so that is how I would explain it.  Southern food is obviously a big part of my cooking style as well but I love to mix it up and cook a little bit of everything.  Ever sense 2006 when I started my weight loss journey I love taking dish's that are normally not so good for you and trying to make them a bit more healthy.  I hope you enjoy the recipe's you see and if you have any ?'s don't hesitate to ask!