My Weight Loss Journey

Weight Loss Journey - 1/11/12
I have struggled with weight all my life.  When I was 2-4 I was perfect weight for my age and height but when I turned 5 I started to gain. In 2006 I had really had enough and decided to get Gastric Bypass. In a year I lost 161 pounds. I was at my smallest sense 8th grade. I hit a rut in 2007 and 2008 didn't gain any and maybe lost a few pounds here and there. In 2008 I got pregnant with my youngest and gained 60 pound which was INSANE to me. After I had her I lost 26 pounds and once again hit that rut. Got Pregnant 2010 and only gained 7 pounds. I had my son 1/11/12 and have lose 25 pounds so far. I am determined to NOT hit that rut this time.  What I am doing different is actually paying attention to what is going into my mouth and exercising. Lucky for me Gastric bypass has got my portion control under control so that is not an issue for me.  Also with Gastric Bypass I can't tolerate any carbinated beverage so I have not had a soda sense 06. I also can't tolerate much bread I can eat like biscuits and hush puppies but they can't be too doughy and only every once in a while. So no light bread at all. For my sandwich and such I used tortilla's.

Things I do to eat Healthier:
  • I use Light Margarine (Light Country Crock)
  • Skim Milk
  • Fat Free and 2% Cheese's
  • Canola Oil for fry (Very rarely do I fry)
  • When baking chicken, pork chops, or fish. I only season no butter or oil.
  • Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta (I have not yet been able to deal with the whole wheat pasta taste so Ronzoni Smart Taste is a great alternative to regular)
  • Logging food and calories.
  • Turkey Sausage, Bacon, Bologna, and hot dogs.
  • 97/3 or 93/7 Ground Beef.
  • Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast or Thighs.
  • Buying Fat Free, or Reduced fat when available.
  • No salt added, Low Sodium, No sugar added, Reduced Sugar, and 2% when buying canned goods, and prepacked foods.
  • Little to No Margarine when cooking veggies.
  • Decreasing my salt intake.
  • Using Salt free seasoning (Mrs. Dash has a great selection)
  • Baking instead of frying.
I will add more things if I think of anything

Weight Log
January 30th  - Lost 21 Pounds
February 20th - Lost 4 Pounds
March 20th - To Be Announced

Calorie Goal: is 1700 Per Day

Food Logs

Week 2/20 - 2/26
Monday 2/20
Breakfast -  Pancake & Turkey Sausage on a Stick 160
                    1 Cup (25 to 30) Green Seedless Grapes 110
Snack - 2% String Cheese 70
             Pretzel Snack Pack 50
Lunch - Healthy Pizza Roll-Ups *Homemade* 292
Snack - Small Micky D’s Fry 230 ( I couldn’t resist :/)
Dinner - 2 Salisbury Steak Patties w/ Gravy 360 (Banquet)
              ½ cup White Rice; Cooked 160
              1 Cup Canned Greened Beans 40
Dessert/Snack - 4 Oreo Cookies 180
Water: 48oz
Calories for the Day: 1653
Exercise: 392
Total Calories after Exercise: 1261
My Thoughts: Today was a good day.  But definitely disappointed that I ate the Micky D’s Fry and the Oreo’s but I worked my butt off in the gym to try to make up for that.  Also drank too much Tea and not enough water.  All in all I am very proud of myself.
Goal for tomorrow: Try to up my water intake and decrease my tea intake.

Tuesday 2/21
Breakfast - Cheese Grits , ½ Pack cooked 88
                   Omelet w/ Cheese, Onions, Peppers, and Sausage 229
                   8oz Tea - 48
Snack - Green Grapes, 1 cup - 104
              Pretzel Snack Pack - 50
Lunch - Turkey Hot Dog Wrap (1 Fajita size whole wheat tortilla, 1   Jennio Turkey Dog, ½ Tbsp Ketchup,  ½ Tbsp Mustard) 120
              2% Velveeta Cheese Microwaveable Bowl 180
              1 Cup Green Beans 40
              4oz Tea - 24
Dinner - Hushpuppies, Chicken, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, and Strawberry Cake!
Water: 196 oz *YAY*
Calories for the Day: Not sure but better sure over 1700
Exercise: 30 minutes of walking
My Thoughts: It was a good day. Had my Aunt Surprise party and ate some things I shouldn’t but it was worth it we had a great time. Will make up for it at the Gym tomorrow!
Goal: Work out for 2 hours and keep the water intake like it was today!

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