Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cinnamon Sugar Chips

These are served at a local Mexican restaurant.  My aunt introduced me to these and I have been hooked ever sense.  You could also leave the cinnamon sugar off and season with some salt, or other seasons of you would like.  Also if you wanted to turn this into a full desert after you shake in the cinnamon sugar lay on a plate and drizzle w/ a little honey and/or chocolate syrup. AMAZING AND SO SIMPLE.

Cinnamon Sugar Chips

Oil (For frying)
Cinnamon Sugar (1/2 cups sugar mixed with 1 tablespoon cinnamon)

  1. Cut tortilla's in half, then in triangles.
  2. Put cinnamon sugar in a shallow dish.
  3. Heat oil. You want it hot enough that it only takes a minute per side. Fry till lightly browned on each side.
  4. Drain on paper towels.
  5. Roll in cinnamon sugar. And munch away I promise you will be addicted just like I am!!


  1. Hey how come you stopped blogging your so good at it and these look amazing!!


    1. I havn't quit Ashlee... I have been on a break and by the end up the week I will be back up and blogging!! Thanks so much for your support!
