Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Best Pig Pickin' Cake EVER

I love pig pickin cake! It's one of my faves besides German Chocolate :)! There is a lady that goes to church with me and her's was so delicious and all the recipes I tried was never as moist and flavorful as hers! So of course I asked for the recipe and she gave it to me :) SO easy and SO yummy!

Pig Pickin' Cake



  • 1 Box Butter Recipe Cake Mix
  • 1 (3.5oz) Box Vanilla Instant Pudding Mix
  • 4 Eggs
  • 3/4 Cup Oil (I use canola)
  • 1 small can mandarin Oranges and juice


  • 1 container or Cool Whip
  • 1 Large 
  • 1 3.5oz Box Vanilla Instant Pudding Mix
  • 1 Large can Crushed Pineapple w/ juice

How To:


  1. Mix together cake mix and vanilla pudding mix.
  2. Add in eggs, oil, and Mandarin Oranges with juice. Mix well with hand mixer or whisk.
  3. Butter and Flour 4 Cake Pans. Evenly distribute the cake batter into each cake pan. I think it was about 1 1/4 cups of cake mix per pan. Bake @ 350 for 15 mins. Or until toothpick comes clean. Start checking at 10 mins all ovens are different. Could take you a little less or a little longer.
  4.  Remove cakes from pan and allow to cool.


  1. Mix together, cool whip, pudding mix, and pineapples with juice.
  2. Fold together til well incorporated.
  3. Spread evenly between each cake layer and on top and side.

*NOTE* This cake is best if covered and refrigerated over night!! And served when it is still cool!

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